Thursday, August 31, 2006
A Day at the Beach
Awaking to some light rain, I wondered if the beach was a good choice. Resistance about going came from my husband. Finally, he relented.

By the time we arrived at the beach there was only a light cloud cover which promised to break up soon. This did not stop my middle child from enjoying the 70 degree water.

My husband enjoyed watching the boats and the men fishing from the rocks. It made him think about bringing out his fishing gear.

Going out fishing

Ferry boat
Then it was time for lunch.

Enjoying Lobster

My Lobster Salad
After lunch the sun finally arrived.

Sunny and breezy

S's first catch. (Don't worry, the hermit crab was released unharmed.)
As for me, the beach is the only time I tolerate being out in the sun. The ocean breezes, salt air, and the rhythmic sound of the waves soothe my soul and remove my stress.

Share with me?
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Busy day
Today was busy and wonderful. My computer is acting up so you only get to see this:

Beach Roses

More details will follow tomorrow.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Some leaves are already starting to change color. We noticed this on our way to the pool this evening. It was the first time my youngest has been in the pool since his road rash accident. He felt the pain of being out of shape as he swam with 6 of his teammates.
Tonight I am getting ready to go to the beach tomorrow. I am going come hell or high water. I do not know if my husband is planning on joining us or if he will be a bump on the log.
It is a shame to live so close to the ocean and not take advantage of it.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Not having found the key to motivate my youngest son, I am getting frustrated.
But I have found motivation. I could not sit after dinner I had to go to the pool and workout. That is strange for me. S. went with me and swam a few laps of the crawl and backstroke. This should help keep him in shape a bit for Special Olympics aquatics.
A few guys from the high school swim team were there. Hmmm. I’ll have to convince my youngest to join his buddies tomorrow night.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
This common affection has hit my youngest. Trying to motivate him has been quite trying. It is a delicate balance between guiding and taking control. It is his life he is the one that has to do the planning and work. On today agenda is the last of the college visits. He needs to give me the dates. You would think with the internet it would just take a few minutes to get the information, compared to locating the papers sent by the colleges in his room.
I am motivated by my nephew’s choice to stay on my son’s back. The next few months are going to be quite the challenge.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
In the Navy
Career choices are a delicate matter. You want and hope for the best for your children and usually military service is not among the options that we think of especially when there is a war going on. Ultimately the career choice is up to them. As mothers we must accept their choices as it is their life.
My nephew will be reporting in December and he has signed on for eight years.
Friday, August 25, 2006
If you stop and think about it, I’m living in a house with four seniors.
My husband gets the senior discount at the grocery store. My eldest son is in his third semester as a senior. My middle son is a second year senior in high school; he will have a third and fourth because he gets out at age 21. And my youngest is a senior in high school.
Senior year of high school means college apps, messed up schedules, senior portraits and much more. Hopefully the portraits are out of the way, proofs will be here soon. One trip to the guidance office to straighten out the schedule has been made, more trips are in his future.
Today was back to school shopping. Shopping for clothing with a high school senior is not my idea of fun, nor his. We hit eight stores and we are still not done. Typical responses were:
• I don’t care.
• I don’t like that.
• No way!
• NO!
We did manage to come home with 3 pairs of pants, one pair of shorts and 4 shirts. There is still more shopping to do but this will hold him over for a bit.
This should be an exciting school year.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Girls just wanna have fun
Birthdays are days of honoring those we love. Today is my sister’s birthday. It was a day of painting toes, going out to lunch, having cake and gifts. It was a nice relaxing day, time to enjoy those that we are with. The cake, of course was chocolate with chocolate frosting. All too soon the festivities ended and I had to return to reality.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
It was continued....
I am stubborn. It comes from my mother and grandmother and my Polish blood. I needed to press the issue.
Today was a beautiful summer day. Temperatures were in the 80's. The sky was bright blue dotted with a few cotton ball clouds. To me, this was a great day for the beach. My husband stated that he did not want to go to the beach because it was too cold to go. My reaction was that of disbelief and confusion. Huh? Too Cold? How can that be?
To me this defies logic. How can one argue against that? You know no matter what proof you offer or what you say, it will not matter.
My thoughts shift. What is causing this train of thought in him? Is he just being a stick in the mud? This mystery will continue for a while. But I still have the joie de vivre and will continue as much as I possibly can.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
It has been a trying day. No meeting of the minds, here it was more like the butting of heads. Shipped off one child, so he would not experience the lively exchanges. But when I returned from my class, all was quiet on the home front.
To be continued tomorrow perhaps?
Monday, August 21, 2006
Getting back on track
Attempting to shift sleep schedules, I reminded my youngest that next week he would have to arise at 6 a.m. A shocked expression came across his face as he looked at the calendar to confirm.
I truly do not understand why school insets on starting two days before the Labor Day weekend. Do they really get much done with those two days, followed by a four day week?
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Revolving Door
One comes, in another goes out. It was a full house for 24 hours. We are now down to 2 boys and three cats. My precious first born has returned to the university for his last semester as an under graduate student and he took his cat Seph with him. Not even 15 minutes after he left, Abu searched the house and called out for her friend. Seph was our guest cat for the summer.
Comings and goings are becoming routine. Too bad I am not doing some of the going.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
It’s the little things
One of the counselors was quite taken with the SpongeBob toothbrush that I had sent to camp. So I got her one of her own.

I was quite pleased that my son was happy and enjoyed camp so much that he was not that eager to see me.

Ah, but the laundry and the increased noise level, things are back to NORMAL.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Frogs on a Bridge
Yes, there are four huge frogs sitting on spools of thread on this bridge. It seems that the town of Willimantic has given them names: Willy, Manny, Windy and Swifty. Do not ask me which frog is which, I haven’t a clue. It is an interesting sight that amused me a bit.
Apparently there are more frogs in Willimantic. Someday I will search out these other frogs spread out around this small city and take a better picture than the one above.
If you really want to find out more: Frog Bridge.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Rainy June, Blazing July
Summer is drawing to a close and many here in the valley are lamenting that not much has been accomplished this summer. They look at what has not been done. They do not look at what HAS been done.

We tend to forget the daily routine accomplishments, the things that are needed to be done everyday just to exist. I am guilty of doing that as well. Weekly menus, exercise, gardening, bills paid, these are some of the things that have been done and often forget to give myself credit for. What would life be like if the routine things were not attended to?
We focus and reflect on special projects when asked, “What have you done lately?”, dissatisfied with the lack of commitment and opportunity to get these projects done in addition to the daily living. Some goals must be met. Some things would it would be nice to have done.
This is not to say that we should accept mediocrity or not strive for improvement, but sometimes it is a great accomplishment just to make it though another day.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Shade Tobacco
The Connecticut River Valley is known for fine tobacco. The leaves of these plants are prized for use as the outer wrapper of cigars. There are two kinds of tobacco grown here Broadleaf and Shade.
Shade tobacco is grown under tents. Each leaf is individually picked, then sewn onto a lath and hung to dry.

Four of my summers were spent working in the fields and sheds of a tobacco farm. Generally the girls worked in the sheds and the men were in the fields.

Many of these fertile fields are now being replaced with homes or businesses.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Sometimes when you want to operate outside of the normal routine, you have those that wish for things to remain the same. It seems that I must stop what I am doing and provide nourishment to others precisely at noon. It seems that it cannot be postponed for a half hour. This is so annoying. It seems like my work is not respected.
I need to find a solution to this problem.
I need to find a solution to this problem.
Monday, August 14, 2006
I forgot!
It is amazing how you can become out of practice. It does not matter what you have done, if it has been a few years you are likely to have forgotten how to do something.
This has happen with me and sewing. That is why things are going so slow. Plus not having the air conditioning on, I tend to get a bit lethargic.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Getting back to work?
Before tackling my curtains, making deviled eggs sound like a good idea. Procrastination at its best.

Saturday, August 12, 2006
Stuck in traffic
I strongly recommend not going through New York City on I-95. Even though there may be traffic on the Tappan Zee Bridge, will you fare better. I received a call from my precious first born, his engine was off and he had not even gotten to the George Washington Bridge yet. It took them almost five hours to get from near Philadelphia to home.
A lot of fabric

I had planned on having my sun room curtains done by the time he came home, but my fear of cutting into the fabric delayed me. It is like cutting wood; measure twice, cut once. Once cut you cannot put it back together and it has been a while since I have done any sewing. No,I am not using a pattern. So my hesitation is warranted. what's that expression, slow and steady. Well I am stuck on the slow part. I did have help while I cut out the first of six pairs.
My helper Seph

After a bit of waiting, the fully packed car rolls in. Next order of business was unpacking. Then it was downtime. While my husband slept, we played a strategy game called the aMazing Labyrinth. Needless to say I was out of practice and came in third.
Friday, August 11, 2006
What's Missing?
• Interrupted telephone conversations
• Constant requests for food
• Repetitive questions as to when a favorite show is on
• Requests to untangle wires for ipod
• Performing manicure or pedicure on others
• Worries about someone needing to be home.
• Moved objects (things stay where I leave them)
• Extra pictures on my camera
• and much more.
I am beginning to enjoy sending a child off to camp. By the time he comes home, I will miss experiencing these little things that many take for granted.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
What a relief it is....
With pen in hand and placing that comma , it was with great difficultly that I wrote that last tuition check. However a feeling of great relief came over me as I posted the letter with the check inside. No more tuition checks for him. Grad school will be totally his responsibility.
Soon he will be home for a week then back to campus for his last semester. In January, he will join the world of the working.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
There is nothing like fresh corn. Even though it may be more than twice the price, getting corn from our local farmer is a special summertime treat.
Farmer Leonard checking every ear.

We grill ours by soaking it in water for about an hour then roasting on the grill for about 20 minutes.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Monday, August 07, 2006
Guilt/ Worry
Is that what I am feeling? Is that why my dreams woke me at 4 a.m.? Dreaming of my middle child at camp, he was having fun. So why should I worry and lose sleep?
I was so drained yesterday, that I could not do what I had planned for myself. Hopefully today I can focus on what I need and want to do. Some of my plans include running a few errands and some self care.
This week one of my goals is to make new curtains for the sunroom. I have the fabric and making curtains is simple, just straight sewing.
My precious first born says good bye to New Jersey on Saturday. He will be home for a week, then returns to school for his last semester. Apparently the company that he worked for last year wants to send him a new job offer. That can only be good news.
Okay, I admit it. My life is quite focused on my children. Perhaps I should find a new career? Doing what? Being an advocate for adults with disabilities seems like the most likely path.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
It is only for two weeks, but it is so hard to let go and leave him at camp. Granted I trust the camp, but still after protecting your child for 18 years to give him a hug and a kiss and then walk away was one of the hardest things to do.
Counselors and cabin mates

The counselors are in the blue shirts. Cristian is from Romania, Renee is from Austrailia and Pete is from England.
I made sure that he understood that it would be temporary and that he would be coming home on the 19th. That he would be able to see his older brother and that they would go to Taco Bell when he returned from camp.
Getting comfy

Protecting an adult that is like a child, is a hard habit to break.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Today is the day when I try to figure out how to transport all those things on the camp list. Doing laundry, making sure the items are labeled, last minute alterations.
The heat wave is gone, but I am lacking in sleep. Strange dreams left me wide awake at 4 a.m. Hopefully I will be able to function well enough to complete my goals for today.
Friday, August 04, 2006
There is comfort in the familiar. There are routines many follow, like having a morning coffee, or brushing teeth before bed. Creatures of habit are we. Knowing what comes next keeps us in balance.
There are times when there are prayers for change. Like when the weather is too hot, wars, illness, or just being dissatisfied with life in general.
There are good changes and bad. Some of the good would be air conditioning, refrigerator, and children growing into responsible adults.
Some of the bad would be the need to have police in our schools, another war to fight, more traffic.
Finding balance between knowing when to pray for change or accepting things as they are is a challenge.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Heat wave
It’s the eighth day of temperatures above 90 degrees. The last three have hovered closer to 100. After hiding inside from the heat, today I ventured out. Another mom and I took three kids to Lake Compounce.
Sweat mixed with sunscreen dripped off our bodies. Thankfully drinks were included with the admission. I felt bad for the staff, there were stuck at their stations in this sweltering heat. We could at least find some relief in the shade and at the water attractions.
We only managed to get in a few rides when the youngest in our group had a seizure and left the park by ambulance with his mom. Beaten by the heat, we decided that we should leave also. So I drove his brother home and once again retreated into the air conditioning.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Get Packing
Soon my middle child will be going to camp for two weeks. Preparing what he needs has been somewhat time consuming. We have the 20 pairs of socks, 25 pairs of underwear, 14 pairs of shorts, and 20 t-shirts. But I am having difficulty finding 6 pairs of pants. I thought I found some pants that I could hem, but the crotch comes down to about his mid thigh. That will not do. I am begining to think that I need to have his pants custom made. The last pair of pairs I hemmed ended up having an inseam of 17 inches.
Custom made is not an option for camp at this point. I will have to check that out for school. Shorts can be worn at the start of the school year so I have some time.