Thursday, August 17, 2006
Rainy June, Blazing July
Summer is drawing to a close and many here in the valley are lamenting that not much has been accomplished this summer. They look at what has not been done. They do not look at what HAS been done.
We tend to forget the daily routine accomplishments, the things that are needed to be done everyday just to exist. I am guilty of doing that as well. Weekly menus, exercise, gardening, bills paid, these are some of the things that have been done and often forget to give myself credit for. What would life be like if the routine things were not attended to?
We focus and reflect on special projects when asked, “What have you done lately?”, dissatisfied with the lack of commitment and opportunity to get these projects done in addition to the daily living. Some goals must be met. Some things would it would be nice to have done.
This is not to say that we should accept mediocrity or not strive for improvement, but sometimes it is a great accomplishment just to make it though another day.