Thursday, July 19, 2007



It was weird that we had tornado warnings here in Connecticut today. Some funnels were spotted and that portion of the storm headed my way. I remember the F4 tornado in October of 1979 that hit Poquonock and Windsor Locks. It was devastating. One day I should scan in pictures that I took.

I was working in downtown Hartford, when I decided to take a break and go get a drink. I glanced at the bank clock, looked up at the sky and got a chill that shook me. The sky was a strange greenish brown color. The clouds were moving fast. I brushed of that chill and went back to work. When I got out of work, I heard about the tornado. My first concern was for my family. I tried calling but the lines were down. So I drove and found the street was blocked, luckly the police let me through to check on my family. Thankfully my brother had just been dropped off by the school bus, the wind speed had picked up and some branches were falling but he made it to the house. My grandmother only had a branch break one window in her home.

Some of my friends family homes were destroyed. The cemetary and Bradley Airport had a great deal of damage. Poquonock Avenue looked naked without the huge old trees that once lined it. My elementary school damaged and the cafeteria was in ruin. I did notice that the cafeteria clock was still on the wall, time stopped when I felt that chill.

Watching the sky, I waited for my boys to come home, hoping that I would not witness such damage again. I did not get that chill today, the storm has passed. For us all is well.

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