Monday, March 05, 2007


How much?

Portion size for meals is under control, though there are still a few quirks that need to be addressed. Like my need to nibble instead of snack. A snack is planned and portion controlled. Nibbling has no boundaries. It is the mindless eating that I am talking about. I am sure it is a habit, but getting rid of the obsession to consume when nervous, frustrated, or anxious is annoying. Why does this habit rear its ugly head and drive me to consume. I do not know. But it must change. All suggestions on how to address this are welcome.

Stores sell prepackaged portions, I certainly can do my own at home. Hopefully after doing this for a while, I'll have a better idea about appropriate portion size and be able to curb the excessive nibbling.While I said that I did not have a scale to weigh myself, I do have a very nice kitchen scale that I found out about on Cooking For Engineers.


Visualizing how much is an ounce, a pound is difficult therefore a scale comes in handy especially when trying to determine what is a serving.

Find a food that is acceptable in unlimited amounts and stay with it when nibbling urges strike (for me: carrots and nonfat microwave popcorn -- the only thing I ever use a microwave for!).
Or, find a beverage that you can sip on endlessly. It's the mouth thing -- for whatever psychoanalytic reasons, some of us need to have that stimulation, especially in the evenings.
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