Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Seeing the Light

Working on lifestyle changes requires a commitment. Viewed not as deprivation, but as a method of living for the rest of your life. Changing what has been the norm, can be challenging. After a while, the changes do become a way of life.

Eating foods for a day, that I normally do not eat anymore, I found my self feeling deprived. No strawberries, blueberries, cucumbers, and no crisp crunchy veggies. My little luxuries were on the taboo list for two days. It feels great having my fresh treats back again.

My previous diet was not that bad, or so I thought. Dietetic choices are learned from the family. My only saving grace was that I cannot fry food, it is a talent I do not possess. Years of being on a Polish American diet was going to make me look like my Babci. However, I am not out working a farm like she was.

Understanding nutrition was something that did not penetrate my brain. Being told to cut back on carbs, does not do any good if you do not truly understand what carbs are. Taking a more academic and scientific approach is helping me. What is helping is finding what are good choices. Stating what to avoid is not helpful if you do not know what you should have. Finding substitutes helps me make the changes I need to make. Thankfully there are many options available, so more changes are on the way in my lifestyle.

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