Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Did I say normal?

My 74 year old neighbor was scheduled for outpatient surgery today. It started off as a simple trip to one specialist then a referral to another specialist, the the surgery was scheduled. It kind of snowballed, It wasn't what she intended, what she thought was I would just take her to one doctor. I do not mind, she is a lovely lady, who my youngest sons think of as an adopted grandmother. Everything went well with the surgery, especially since I requested a translator for her.
At 1:35 p.m. while she was still in surgery my cell phone rang. It was my sister.

Can you pick me up from the Emergency room?


Words were breaking up and the connection was dropped.
I quickly went outside and called her back.

Who kicked you in the knee?
No, I think I dislocated my knee. I was going upstairs and my knee gave out.

I'm here at UCONN Health Center in Farmington with my neighbor, who is in surgery. I cannot leave her.
The ambulance is coming and I'm going to St. Francis.
Oh, you are still at school?
Yes, waiting for the ambulance.
Oh. So it will be a while before you need a ride.
It will take you hours, everyone goes to the Hartford hospitals and you will get bumped. So I'll probably be done with my neighbor.
Okay. But just in case I'll call our brother.
Keep me updated.

The surgery went well and my neighbor looks like a pirate with her eye patch.There was no traffic going through Hartford so it was a quick trip back with a stop at the pharmacy. I gave the post-op instructions to her granddaughters and basically told them that their grandmother is on vacation until I take her back to for her post-op visit.

Dinner is now done. I just got a call that my sister sprained her knee and it took over 4 hours for her to be seen.. Sprains take forever to heal. And I wait because we will have to play shuffle the cars.

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