Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Fact or Fiction?
Marketing and media are other areas that annoy me. The hype and spin have spiraled out of control. Brainwashing the public to believe that something is the latest and greatest (when it is not) or the latest study results are competently compiled. Tweaking the state of mind or beliefs of the average individual, sifting out what to believe or is best for us is getting more difficult everyday.
Influencing the public, that your message is true, is big business and big in business. The general public seems to have a lemming mentality. "I heard it on the news, read it in the paper, or saw it on TV. So it must be true." The government is also entangled is the type of promoting.
On the internet you have to sift through what is truth and what is fiction. There is a wealth of information. But what is the truth? Is the information reliable? Many hold their beliefs to be true, when it may not be. Can you blame people for promoting their beliefs, even when the beliefs may not be valid? No. But you do spend time trying to figure out if it is valid.
Those of us with some intelligence have learned to question what is presented. We have to be suspect because ethical behavior has seemingly gone out the window.