Monday, September 18, 2006


Getting things to work

Sometimes I envy those that live by themselves. Then there are the times that it is nice to have others around.

Times that I envy others include when I come home and my husband has done something to my computer, the milk jug is just about empty, or things are not where I left them. I spent a good amount of time trying to figure out why I could not connect to the internet, finally figured out that someone turned the firewall on to block everything. There is no one to blame but yourself when you live by yuorself.

Times that I feel fortunate are when my computer crashes and my husband attempts to fix it, someone needs to be home for my middle son, or I need assistance with something. The power supply on my PC died. My husband has replaced it, buying us some time to get a new computer. However, some programs are still not working properly, which is rather frustrating. At least I can backup documents and delete items that I do not want transferred later.

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