Friday, February 17, 2006


We find ourselves in an unusual postition this tax season. We will be joining the ranks in mailing our payments (State and Federal) on April 15th.

This is the first time we have had to pay in over 26 years and it feels strange. Also I have not budgeted for this expense. There will be tweaking our budget and hopefully something will be left for us to live on. Hmmm, get a job to pay the taxes, only to be taxed some more?

I don't really mind paying taxes, as I do like using the roads and the other services that are offered by the government. It's just I am not accustomed to coming up with the cash to pay the income tax.

It seems that the almighty dollar is not stretching as far as it used to. With increased gasoline costs, natural gas and electric, we have been hit hard. Decisions will have to be made and items prioritized. The new tires for my car will have to wait.

I'm so sorry Nancy, but knowing how resourceful you are you of all people will be able to do it!! (((Hugs)))
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