Thursday, February 02, 2006

Signs of Spring?

Not so, according to the Groundhog. It seems that there is supposed to be six more weeks of winter. Six more weeks after a warmer than normal January. Hopefully it will not be too cold. I do not mind the cold, what bothers me is the heating bill.

I cannot wait for the colors or fragrance of Spring. Though these daffodils do not have fragrance, they do have the cheerful yellow color.


Their trumpets usually announce that it is Spring.

Daff close up

Seeing the flowers help lift the dreary winter lanscape from my mind.

Oh I LOVE daffy-dills, what gorgeous photos! I don't care what that furry little rodent says, there's ALWAYS six more weeks of winter LOL. I also hope that it won't get too cold. My heating bill is down right frightful.
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