Sunday, February 26, 2006


A trip to the apple orchard is not something that is usually done on a snowy winter day. On the New York side of the Connecticut Notch, we took snow dusted winding roads up the Granby hills. We almost reach the Massachusetts state line.

Orchard barn

Upon arrival, you note the farm house, barn and other buildings. I find comfort in seeing a farm. For me, it is neither the quilting event nor the country kitchen store that attracts me. Though the colors of the quilts are attractive and the scents from the kitchen are tempting. It is the rows of apple trees in the process of being pruned that catches my eye.

What strikes me is that in order to be more productive, the trees must be cut back to let in the light. Growing wild does not produce good fruit. Taming nature for the good of mankind.


Mankind should be tamed too, whether it is personally or society as a whole. Personally we would all do better if we did some pruning ourselves. Cutting back so we can do what we are best at. Maintain focus. Often we grow wild, living a reactionary lifestyle; which often produces stress.

Making plans, having goals, but frequently life produces drama that must be dealt with. These dramas can be all consuming, so plans and goals get set aside.

Pruning must be done.

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