Saturday, December 24, 2005

Wigilia - Christmas Eve

We would go to my mother's house for dinner and sit down to eat after the first star appeared in the sky. The table is always set with an extra place setting. It is a meatless dinner that begins with the breaking of the Oplatek (a thin wafer) and with exchanges of good wishes for health, wealth and happiness in the New Year.
As a child, once dinner started I knew that opening gifts was not far off. This anticipation has been passed down to my children.

Now I enjoy seeing the family, as we are all growing and changing. We still go to the same house, but it's my brother's now, not my mother's. I miss members that are no longer with us. The memories are fond ones that bring a smile to my face.

Wesolych Swiat, from one Pole to another! Keep the traditions alive -- whatever they may be. They bring us together in wonderful ways with the most important people in our lives. Merry Christmas, Nancy.
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