Friday, November 11, 2005

Veteran's Day

Battles fought, lives lost. The soldiers that do come home are forever changed. War changes everyone. Why do men need power? Maybe women should rule.

Veterans Day


Trying to regain something, or reclaim it can be a futile effort. It's like trying to go home again after 20 years, much will have changed but your expectations will not have. Yet we cling to these thoughts and are disheartened when they do not match the reality. Dwelling in the past will only hold you back. Fond memories are just that, memories.

Be in the present, look to the future, savor what is put before you. The potato pancake put before me today was very good. The platter that followed was so enticing that I forgot to take a picture of it.

Potato Pancake

Food is a great example of what you write about here. You can anticipate the pleasure associated with it, you can savor a memory of something you had, but basically, it is at its most satisfying when it is right there before you, indulged, sampled. In the present.

That, by the way, looks too delicious for any one person to enjoy.
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