Monday, November 07, 2005

Once again it's 4 a.m.

I wake to the lights on and a bustling house. My husband is getting ready for work, my youngest is stuffy and says he has a sore throat. I play nurse and semi-retired husband leaves for work. Ah, peace is restored, but it’s too late, I’m now awake.

4 am

At least my body isn’t rebelling from yesterday’s yard work. I did soak my feet in a nice rosemary foot bath, before my middle son’s weekly grooming session. Although he is 17, developmentally he is age 4 or 5. Thankfully he is getting more independent, but still needs someone to check him out. He does so well with routine and is more dependable that your typical teen.

I cannot help worrying about him. What will happen when I’m not there to clip his nails and tend to his needs? Getting things set up for when he is out of school is both exciting and terrifying. But it is goal we are going for, for him to be as independent as he can. I cannot hold him back, he has grown. In my heart letting go of him will be very difficult.

Soon the house will be a buzz with my guys getting ready for school. Later today I will be longing for my pillow.

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