Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Horse's Ass

Horse's ass

The events around Halloween have made me spend most of my day thinking about actions and resulting effects. Individual's that do foolish things one night, may live to regret their actions. One bit of priceless info that I learned is not to touch a police horse, as it is a felony. I can see it now...

Scene: Job interview
HR: Have you ever been arrested?
Applicant: Yes.
HR: What were you arrested for?
Applicant: Patting a horse's ass.

Lack of good judgment, ignorance of the law, being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol, all of these can have an adverse impact on your life and the life of others. We all have probably known a few people that could qualify as being a horse's ass. ( I won't list my candidates.)

The horse could have probably cared less that you had patted its posterior.

Now what caused you to learn this about patting a police horse? Surely in Hartford & environs this isn't frequently an issue. Is it postings of others about Halloween shenanigans that lead you in this direction?
Yes, your blog, AP wire report of 100 being arrested and other postings to the web lead me to this topic. Hartford is quite sedate most of the time, I think the same of Madison.

BTW, your Halloween eye candy was an interesting treat.
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